I never realized I felt so connected to my website - until someone tried to Hi-Jack the idea and name.

So onto the New Factor - Ancaster is getting so big these days that it is hard to tell which companies are truly local.
As an Ancaster home owner I quickly realized that reliable or available Contractors were hard to find, and as a Mom I wanted to know who was coming into my home and feel comfortable with them.
I found that print Ad's in the back of the Ancaster News were useless to determine if a contractor should be selected or not, or whether a purchase was of value.
Thus the Ancaster Factor – Second Generation - Business & Services Listings came to life.
The Ancaster Factor has been an active website since the early 1990's.The Factor began as a way to track friends email address's when I was living abroad. It quickly picked a lot of interest. Ancaster people all over the world found it an easy place to connect with old friends.
I have spent many hours and much money keeping the website up since 1996 when the programming was still dos based and I had to memorize the html code. I have always looked at the AncasterFactor as a fun way of teaching myself about "Web Misstressing", it forces me to keep current with new technology and I enjoy it as a hobby.
The old Factor was brought to life in the days before Facebook, and the core group of Ancaster Factorites - were mostly friends from AHVS. This was a well and good until it got a little popular and my inbox always had a backlog of requested posts. That was the "old" Ancaster Factor and manual updates are no longer required. Facebook Groups are a great way for everyone to have control over their content. Please join the AncasterFactor group on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/ancasterfactor

So onto the New Factor - Ancaster is getting so big these days that it is hard to tell which companies are truly local.
As an Ancaster home owner I quickly realized that reliable or available Contractors were hard to find, and as a Mom I wanted to know who was coming into my home and feel comfortable with them.
I found that print Ad's in the back of the Ancaster News were useless to determine if a contractor should be selected or not, or whether a purchase was of value.
I want to make a difference by purchasing local and sustainable products.
Whether is it contractors, services or local meat and produce we are all accountable… and make choices every day at the cash register.
Whether is it contractors, services or local meat and produce we are all accountable… and make choices every day at the cash register.
Thus the Ancaster Factor – Second Generation - Business & Services Listings came to life.
Shop Local - Think Global!
JoJo – The Ancaster Factor!
JoJo – The Ancaster Factor!
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